Reddit user u/No-Location-562 shared a remarkable testament to the effectiveness of the SLAM technique when executed with precision. The narrative unraveled as the user began a mission to rectify a pool conundrum. In a stroke of misfortune, the pool they were tending had suffered from improperly installed filter media, leading to the rupture of delicate laterals at its base. These filter components, prone to fragility, succumbed under the weight of sand and glass, a situation often encountered at Aqueous Solution in Louisville, CO. Recognizing the recurrent nature of this issue, we have diligently stocked the requisite laterals for filter repairs.
The aftermath of the damaged laterals was nothing short of a pool predicament. The filter ceased functioning as intended, ejecting glass filter media into the water. Consequently, a flourishing of algae transpired, turning the once-inviting pool water into a vivid shade of green, indicating that it was time to unleash the power of the SLAM method.
In this context, SLAM stands for:
Shock, Level, And Maintain 
The story now pivots to the SLAM method’s explanation and solution to such challenging situations. The initial step in employing this method involves equipping oneself with a reliable test kit to gauge the pool’s vital parameters. The measuring aspects include pH levels, Cyanuric Acid (CYA), and free chlorine concentration. Aqueous Solution offers the Taylor Reagent kits to facilitate this process, encompassing all necessary tests.
Next on the requisites list is an ample supply of liquid chlorine, a staple that Aqueous Solution conveniently provides. With these tools in hand, the user can proceed to the heart of the SLAM method. The approach begins by referencing a chart that directs the addition of chlorine based on the measured levels. For instance, a typical pool would maintain a free chlorine level of 2-4 parts per million (ppm), while the CYA should typically range between 20-60. Exceeding these values could invite trouble. For instance, if the pool’s CYA is 40 and the free chlorine level reads 5, the solution involves adding liquid chlorine until the reading reaches 20, effectively sanitizing the pool and constituting the “S” in SLAM – Shock. A compelling visual representation underscores the efficacy of this shock phase, as evidenced in a picture that captures the problem waning swiftly following the proper dosage. The morning after the initial treatment, the transformation is visible.
A compelling visual representation underscores the efficacy of this shock phase, as evidenced in a picture that captures the problem waning swiftly following the proper dosage. The morning after the initial treatment, the transformation is visible.
Transitioning seamlessly from the shock phase, the narrative advances to the “Level” and “Maintain” components of the SLAM method. This entails regular water testing to ensure chlorine levels remain within the range determined by CYA and free chlorine levels. The maintenance stage is critical for sustained sanitization, as the chlorine’s efficacy diminishes during the process, necessitating periodic replenishment.
A proactive stance toward debris and leaves becomes pivotal in aiding the chlorine’s endeavors. Enter the VacuSucker, a pool vacuum born from the ingenuity of our founder, Dennis Pelster. For those seeking superior equipment, Aqueous Solution offers the Carbon Fiber ultralight by SkimLite, a game-changer in the realm of skimmer poles.
The SLAM method finale arrives with an awe-inspiring image, showcasing the pool’s resurgence to crystal-clear waters only 48 hours post the initial dose. This visual testament accentuates the transformative potential of the SLAM method, a transformation primarily achievable through the consistent application of liquid chlorine. While tablet feeders might seem appealing, the SLAM method underscores the pivotal role of liquid chlorine in tackling pool crises effectively.
In conclusion, the SLAM method is a beacon of hope for those facing pool turmoil. Its three-fold approach, encompassing Shock, Level, and Maintain, offers a systematic pathway to restoring water clarity and pristine conditions. A successful SLAM operation relies on meticulous testing, diligent chlorine management, and proactive debris removal. For those seeking to embrace this method and secure their pool’s well-being, Aqueous Solution is your steadfast partner on this transformative journey. Give us a call today so we can help your situation.